9 Lessons on Pursuing Your Dream (from An Author who Wrote 25 Books in 30 Months)

Published on January 25, 2014 by

I haven't read any of Craig Osso's books, but his story is remarkable.

Craig OssoHe has written more than 25 novels in 30 months. Doing everything the indie-author way, he has thousands of fans and makes a full time living from writing fiction. I first became aware of Mr. Osso's books through Joanna Penn's website where she highlighted a Wall Street Journal article about Craig Osso on her podcast.

After listening to Joanna and reading the article I was impressed with his dedication and thought of a few things we can all learn from him. No, we may not be the productive powerhouse he is, but people like Craig help us to realize most limitations are self-imposed.

1. This is one of the most amazing times to be a writer, artist, or any other self-titled creative. Most of the walls have been broken down; if we want to publish a book, design  a series of prints, or start our business we can.

2. Money is not nearly as important as sheer determination and a lot of hard work. Craig Osso produces 25 books in 30 months because he writes at least 10 hours almost every day.  Production is not so much an act of genius but of gut-wrenching discipline.

3. Ideas are endless. The more we create, the more easily the ideas come.

4. Intention is nothing; only action counts.

5. Editors and proofreaders make a good story great.

6. There has never been a more affordable time to find and hire editors, proof readers, coaches, cover designers, etc. It may take a few stinkers to find an editor and proof reader that works for you but once you find someone you both have a solution: they have steady work and you have someone who can correct mistakes and strengthen the book.

7. There is a season for everything. Towards the end of the article Mr. Osso states he might want to slow down a bit in the future.  He can now do that and continue to share his books and make money.

8. There is something very valuable in continual, steady work to find people who like your art.  Mr. Osso didn't release his books all at the same time. But he has been very consistent to write action-filled novels and deliver them consistently each month.  Readers keep coming back for more.

9. Focusing on a special, single group of people helps to grow a creative business.  There isn't a wrong way or a right way to write or create your art but certain ways help an artist expand their reach faster, farther.  Mr. Osso capitalizes on that.

Feeling inspired? Renewed? Excited about your dream?  Craig Osso states that he wrote as if he was "delusional," telling himself there was a demand for his books when few people were buying. Artists can be like that; there is an inner knowledge that what you have is good and it needs to get "out there" no matter what others may say.

What can you start putting more energy in to this week?


  1. Kent Sanders

    Melissa, thanks for this post. I had never heard of Craig Osso until you mentioned him. Wow! That's pretty impressive. Sometimes we creative people don't put enough stock into the sheer discipline that's required. You can't just wait until you "feel like it" to do the work. What a great reminder of what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it!

    • melissa

      I've only heard of Mr. Osso recently as well. I completely agree with you- if I wait on my feelings, I may never get around to completing my goals. Excited for you and your growth and Evernote product launch!

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  1. Kent Sanders

    Melissa, thanks for this post. I had never heard of Craig Osso until you mentioned him. Wow! That's pretty impressive. Sometimes we creative people don't put enough stock into the sheer discipline that's required. You can't just wait until you "feel like it" to do the work. What a great reminder of what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it!

    • melissa

      I've only heard of Mr. Osso recently as well. I completely agree with you- if I wait on my feelings, I may never get around to completing my goals. Excited for you and your growth and Evernote product launch!

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