Why Eating Healthy Cereal is a lot like Writing

Published on March 13, 2014 by

I know healthy cereal is a great way to start my mornings.

Waaaay better than a bowlful of Lucky Charms or a pile of French Toast, sprinkled with powdered sugar, doused with strawberries, and covered with syrup.

But the bran cereal is not always the appealing choice. I know I should eat it; I know I'll like the outcome, but it's not what I want  to do.  I really want the French Toast.  Yum.

I usually stick with the healthy alternative: healthy oatmeal with raisins or crunchy corn bran. And three hours later when my blood sugar isn't crashing and I'm feeling energetic and happy, I know I've made the right choice.

Cereal in a bowl on the tableThe same is true with writing.  I'm about two thirds of the way through the mystery novel I've been writing this year.  I'm at that point where it's more work than joy to go to the laptop and focus on writing a chapter.

I find a million other things I need to do- the mail, the dishes, answer an email, return a phone call, make cookies- all these things are calling my name.

But then I think to myself, you know what I'll really be happy about one day? Finishing the book.

Whatever creative work you're doing: writing a book, starting a blog, painting a series, designing  a line of stationary- the middle part is all work. It's totally normal and everyone goes through it. Ignore the distracting voices, silence the betrayers!

Keep eating the healthy breakfast and reap the mental and physical benefits.

Keep plugging away at the writing and reap a book.

Here's to healthy Eating and Writing Habits.


  1. Melodie K.

    That bowl of cereal actually looks good to me ~ love granolas with plenty of raisins!

    Looking forward to the completion of your mystery, Melissa. Is it too early to hint what it is about?
    Melodie K. recently posted...Get Cozy in NYC with Afternoon TeaMy Profile

    • melissa

      The healthy stuff is usually pretty tasty :) I can't complain!

      Yes, I'm going to put some of the starter chapters on the blog in future weeks: it features four friends in a cooking group, a stolen vintage wedding dress, and a lot of brownies.

      One of the women in the cooking group decides she's going to catch the thief who stole the wedding dress; a good amount of chaos, thief-chasing, and chocolate eating ensues. I'm loving writing it and I'm hoping there will be lots of people who love reading it.

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  1. Melodie K.

    That bowl of cereal actually looks good to me ~ love granolas with plenty of raisins!

    Looking forward to the completion of your mystery, Melissa. Is it too early to hint what it is about?
    Melodie K. recently posted...Get Cozy in NYC with Afternoon TeaMy Profile
    Melodie K. recently posted...Get Cozy in NYC with Afternoon TeaMy Profile

    • melissa

      The healthy stuff is usually pretty tasty :) I can't complain!

      Yes, I'm going to put some of the starter chapters on the blog in future weeks: it features four friends in a cooking group, a stolen vintage wedding dress, and a lot of brownies.

      One of the women in the cooking group decides she's going to catch the thief who stole the wedding dress; a good amount of chaos, thief-chasing, and chocolate eating ensues. I'm loving writing it and I'm hoping there will be lots of people who love reading it.

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