Hello there! I'm Melissa, messy artist & DIYer, blogger & joy chaser.
I want to Celebrate the Joy of the Everyday - in spite of the messy madness.
I celebrate with art. By making custom essay online. Practicing. Making more. And giving it away.
For a long time I thought I'd have to give up my art and do more "practical things." But in the process of doing more practical things I gave up art almost entirely.
And I missed my times of creativity.
I discovered something brilliantly profound. Are you ready? here it comes...... (drum roll!)
There's never a great time to start practicing joyful acts of creativity. There's not more hours *magically* in the day or a time when the circumstances seem to aligns.
Launch Your Creative Life is about launching, {starting}, your creative life right where you are. Today. Here. Even if you only have 15 minutes a day.

You don't need a lot of time to create art.You need a little bit of a plan. A tablespoon of discipline. A cup of excitement. And a bucket of inspiration. A few pencils and paper and found objects around the house.
It's so much fun!
Pull out the paint and the paper and the sketch book and the canvas and the hodge podge.
My goal is for Launch Your Creative Life to be a source of inspiration, guides, and ideas for you to make art. This site is for busy women who love to create but don't have lots of time.
You'll find projects that can be done in minutes or a few hours.
This is inspiration for all creatives- whether you've never picked up a sketch book or you've been an avid drawer for twenty years.
Art is important. We need to intentionally add beauty and grace to our lives and our homes.
Add to the beauty.
Make your living space beautiful, turn your room into your home. Paint the walls. Excavate the deep places of your art with an art journal. Make your own cards and write handwritten notes of encouragement to family, friends, and acquaintances.
Infuse Your Life with DIY.
An Invitation to Start Living Creativity Today.
In spite of the Mess. In spite of life. Make stuff. Give it away.
Bring on the cheer & joy.
I've been creating in spurts all of my life. Much of my work comes in odd times in odd places in odd spaces. I used to think that I needed to wait for the right time to create- but the right time never comes. Instead, I am learning to find moments and hours in the middle of messy life to create, discover, and paint.
If you want to stay IN THE KNOW on everything creative and inspirational, sign up to be a part of the Launch Your Creative Life newsletter. You'll get all the news in your inbox plus a free guide on how to find nuggets of art time in your day.
You can find me on instagram: @Melissajoy31
and Twitter @Melissaauclair

Need inspiration? I've got books and products. Check them out here.
Here is a few other places you can find me on the web:
Leadership and Social Media Coach, Allan Dubon featured an interview with me here.
Digital Designer and Creative Business Owner Janet Walker featured an article about about what to do when you don't know what to create.
Have you signed up for the e-newsletter yet? You'll receive a free guide to get started on getting unstuck in your creativty. Plus, I'll send you updates about what I'm learning about becoming an artpreneur, blogging, building a business and creating the life of your dreams. Sign up in the box on the left hand corner!

Start Thinking BIGGER!
Hi Melissa! You left a kind comment on my Facebook page that shocked me! It was my very first attempt at sharing my woodart. It was actually my first piece. I've always wanted to do it but have been too afraid. However in trying to teach my children a lesson about going after their goals, not giving up and I just simply want to try this now so I can say, I did it! I'm 47 and feel like it's now or never. What caught my eye on my Facebook page wasn't that you just left me a kind comment but the name "launch your creative side" or something like that. I'm glad to have your blog to come to and hope I can not only launch my creative side but make a living doing it.
Thanks again
Angela, I'm so glad I found you! I love your woodart. Most of all I love your story- living your life in such a way to show your children what it looks like to work towards your dreams and not give up. What a legacy! It's a privilege to serve you!
Please let me know how I can help you!
Melissa, when I read the Martha Stewart question: "Who are these bloggers? They aren't editors at Vogue," I thought of the question I asked myself when she first took the world by storm and everyone everywhere was crediting her personally for every idea: "Who is this Martha Stewart? My mother was doing all these things and more before Martha was even born!" That is not meant to slam Martha, I have nothing against Martha, it is just to say that there is room in this world for all!
Jean | DelightfulRepast.com recently posted...Brown Butter Cake with Brown Butter Frosting
Jean, when I went to the Creative Connection in 2011, Jo Packham said that very thing, "There is room at the table for everyone." I love your collaborative spirit; we all bring our unique gifts and perspective to the proverbial table of life.