Last week, on the 48 Days Podcast, author and coach Dan Miller answered a woman who wrote in to him, afraid to move on with what she wanted to do in life.
She asked Dan, (I'm paraphrasing) "I think I have an idea of what I want to do but I'm not sure how to go about it. And I'm not sure if it will work. Is there a map I can follow?"
I loved Dan's response- "no, there is no map!" You get to make the decisions and choices to move forward in your life- it's up to you.
I would add to Dan's response: I say- there is no map because you are the mapmaker- you get to choose the map and the route.
Depending on your personality and experiences, this revelation can either be terrifying or exhilarating- or a combination of both.
Every forward step is a movement in the unknown- there will be detours and unexpected roadblocks.
Every person experiences problems as they move forward with their life. The pain of moving forward and meeting and overcoming challenges will be distant memory when they are gone.
Every forward step is a move in the unknown- there will be surprises.
New people, new places, new challenges, new growth, new investments, new discoveries.
Every forward step is move in the unknown- there will be chaos.
When we start moving, things fall apart in different parts of our lives. You might have to make the decision- do you want to keep everything neat and orderly and pretty? If so, don't go on any adventures. As Bilbo Baggins said, "Adventures....they make you late for dinner."
Yes, creating your own map for your own life will cause some chaos. Some things will go undone. But, as Bilbo discovered, the life of purposeful adventure beat out a life of predictable comfort and security.
Pursuing comfort and security may be o.k. for some, but if you've read this far, I'm guessing it's not for you.
The end destination might be different than you expected- it may be wilder and more wonderful that you ever thought.
Christopher Columbus wanted to get to India but discovered North America. Not exactly what he wanted, but he made history and opened up the world of discovery and exploration.
Many people have switched gears and ended up in a different location than they intended when started out.
The point is: if they hadn't had the courage to start- they never would have discovered their "new land." Likewise, you don't know the marvelous places you will end up when you create your map.
There might be disasters.
We all have to make the decision: what do we want to risk? There is risk in going on the journey of creating the life you want. But I see so many people talk with regret about their lives- I'm thinking living by the status quo is satisfying for many people.
If there is a disaster, what will you do?
Fix the ship and re-route!
You are not alone in the journey!
Many other people are on the path of creative living. Make friends with people who are are in a similar boat (no pun attended). People are the joy and color in our lives.
Watch and observe what master sailors are doing, especially the ones you admire.
Pray about everything. We may not get answers but I believe God hears each prayer; He sends help and answers at the right time.
We are not alone on the journey.
Taking action is the key to making a fantasy map a real-life map.
Thinking and planning have their place but only if they lead to action! No action = no results.
Ultimately, if we don't create our own map, we stay where we are.
If we stay where we are, we will never know where what could have been.
Don't let fear keep you in the same place- this leads to regrets in the future. Wherever you are today, start there. I spent last week plotting out my overall map of what I want to do. Now that I've got that done, it's time to take action and implement.
Make a big plan, break it down, and get going on the journey.
Seems we all want structure when it comes to moving forward -- you have let us know that we make our own maps -- so hard but it is the only way to feel fulfilled -- I wonder how we can teach this in school --- thank you Melissa!
Sherry recently posted...Before The Wedding — Be Your Best Self
I think it's human nature to want an 1-2-3 blueprint- but you're right- it's more fulfilling to create your own map. Many of the "maps" that have been drawn out don't lead anywhere we want to go anymore. Thank you for coming by and joining the conversation Sherry!